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Mon - Fri: 9:00 - 18:00

Deep due diligence is required to conduct a successful M&A transaction, which is also the key to success. Any Broker, whether a bank or consulting firm, is not your “Friend” as they act on behalf of the seller. This probably creates a conflict of interest as a broker fee is based upon the sales price. And you do not want to pay more than a fair market value. We do not have only the tools for benchmarking; we have vast experience in enhanced Due Diligence.

Hence, we embedded deep Due Diligence, Compliance, International Tax Consulting, and Legal Advisory into our M&A Transaction workflow, ensuring and achieving the best results for our valued clients. Undoubtedly, anybody interested in buying a firm should speak to us first for a safe transaction and a realistic purchase price.

Range of Funding for M&A Transactions

We offer reliable advice for M&A transactions of small and mid-sized SMEs (mainly via Management Buy-in/MBIs). Furthermore, our brand, Redchilli Capital, offers tailor-made and cost-efficient funding solutions and innovative concepts optimized to your company’s needs. Whether Venture Capital, Venture Debt, Private Equity, or other funding sources, we are your trusted partner.

We are here to help you discover more about the opportunity to raise funds for your M&A transactions through bank funding and venture capital in the jurisdiction of your choice (in Europe). We will assess whether your idea is feasible and advise you on how to amend your plans to get moving.

Simply contact us via our contact form and we will get in touch shortly.

Mezzanine Capital is a loan facility (loan instrument) that ranks between senior debt facilities (usually bank loans) and equity in the capital structure of a company and shares characteristics of both. It is often used when bank financing is not adequately available, thus replacing part of the need for equity.

Mezzanine Capital can be structured as a debt (legally or structurally subordinated) or preferred stock. It is typically materially unsecured by assets, does not require a personal guarantee (non-recourse loan), and is provided against the cash flow based on the borrower’s performance.

By that nature, Mezzanine Debt carries significantly more risk than senior debt and is priced accordingly. In most cases, pricing consists of two components: (i) regularly paid cash interests and (ii) PIK interests (payment-in-kind interest being a capitalized interest component payable at loan maturity). Sometimes, Mezzanine providers may take a minor equity warrant (kicker) in the business.

Usually, Mezzanine Debt is structured on multiple EBITDA bases, i.e., with higher leverage (Net Debt/EBITDA ratio) than senior loans. Its maturity is usually extended beyond the senior facilities with a bullet repayment profile.

Mezzanine Debt is a flexible, long-term source of financing that can accelerate corporate growth and build long-term value.

Borrowers use Mezzanine financing typically, but not exclusively when they want to:

  • Expand business and invest in new technology
  • Finance an acquisition (M&A Transactions)
  • Optimize capital structure and the risk profile of the business
  • Recapitalize
  • Change the ownership structure
  • Bridge the interim cash shortfall
  • Acquire distressed assets (for business purposes)
  • Finance a turnaround process

Whether it is used as part of acquisition debt, growth capital funding, bank refinancing or owner buy-out; financing using Mezzanine Capital can deliver high value.

Other Corporate Funding Solutions

Bespoke Project Finance

No project is like another and therefore requires an individual approach. We offer just that – an assessment of each and any project to find a scalable funding solution according to needs.

Start-Up Crowd Funding

Crowd Funding might be an exciting alternative to raise the capital much needed. We offer sophisticated and bespoke solutions to our customers at reasonable, flexible terms and conditions at highly competitive rates.

ICO & STO Funding for Start-Ups

This modern way of funding has been all over the media in recent years. Find out if your project is suitable for such a funding solution. With us, you can rely on expert advice and years of experience to implement your project successfully.

Start-Up Finance - Asset Based

Some Start-Ups require smaller amounts of funding and have some assets available that might be used as collateral. If they need technical equipment, we may finance through a Leasing or Hire Purchase contract.

Speak to us about modern Ways of Funding for M&A Transactions

We Will Show you the Way How to Succeed.